Leadership Academy Trainers

The ANCOR Foundation is grateful to the many I/DD leaders and subject matter experts who conduct trainings for the Leadership Academy’s next generation of leaders in the field of I/DD services.
Previous Leadership Academy Trainers
- Chris Altizer, Partner, Altizer Performance Partners presented on Performance Management: That Thing We Love to Hate (November 2018)
- Ellen Cooperperson, Founder and CEO of Cooperperson Performance Consulting, conducted a three-hour workshop entitled Connect for Performance: Creating a Coaching Culture (May 2020)
- Charlie Dorison, Researcher, Harvard Kennedy School of Government conducted a three-hour workshop entitled on Leadership Decision-Making (May 2019)
- Dennis Felty, Keystone Human Services Founding President, presented on A Brief History of IDD Services (July 2020)
- Dara Gary, Controller, East End Disability Associates, Inc. presented on Finance Management for the Non-Financial Manager (September 2018)
- Bob Gettings, former Executive Director for NASDDDS and author of Forging a Federal-State Partnership presented on History of Developmental Disabilities Policy (November 2017)
- Steve Hendricks, former Business Development Director, Scioto Properties presented on Art of Servant Leadership (July 2019)
- Sean Luechtefeld, Director of Communications, ANCOR, and Adjunct Faculty, MA in Communication, Johns Hopkins University presented on Frameworks for Communications Strategy (January 2019)
- Chris Lyons, Executive Director, AIM Services, Inc. presented on Dignity of Risk: Balancing Person-Centered Principles with Regulatory Compliance (March 2018)
- Donna Martin, Director of State Partnerships and Special Projects for ANCOR, presented on Value-Based Payments (March 2021)
- Donna Martin and Shannon McCracken, ANCOR Government Relations team members, presented on Medicaid 2.0 (December 2020)
- Lynne Megan, President and CEO, TSE, Inc. and Doris Parfaite-Claude, Federal Advocacy and Research Manager, ANCOR co-presented on Grassroots Advocacy 101 (July 2018)
- Ashley Oolman and Alli Strong-Martin, Disability Inclusion Team Members for Lifeworks Services, Inc., on Beyond Etiquette Toward Equity (July 2021)
- Kim Opsahl, former Director of State Partnerships and Special Projects, ANCOR presented on Medicaid 101: Navigating the Medicaid Maze (January 2018)
- Tom Pomeranz, Owner, Universal LifeStiles LLC presented on Effective Leadership: Managing Critical Moments (March 2019)
- Michael Smull, Partner, Support Development Associates presented on Becoming a Person-Centered Organization (February 2021)
- Tom Speaks, Principal for The Impact Group, presented on Strategic Planning (July 2021)
- Don Tebbe, Consultant on NonProfit Leadership Succession presented on Moving In, Moving Up and Moving On: Learning to Lead at Every Career Turn (April 2018)
- Dustin Wright, Foundation and CEO of Disability Cocoon presented on Making the Shift to Technology First (September 2020)